IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Engineering and Technology


Registration Fee

Registration Category IEEE Member Non-IEEE Member IEEE Student Member Non-IEEE Student Member Non-Presenting Member
Malaysian Affiliates RM 1,350 RM 1,650 RM 1,050 RM 1,350 RM 750
Others USD 450 USD 550 USD 350 USD 450 USD 250

At least one author of each paper must register for the conference. Each registration covers the fee for presenting 1 paper, and access to all the conference sessions.


  1. The fees are exclusive of bank transfer charges. Participants MUST add on any additional bank charges. Official receipt will be given during the conference (physical attendee) or up to 2 weeks after the conference date (online attendee).
  2. Registered papers not presented (i.e. no-show) during the conference will not be eligible for inclusion in the conference proceedings.
  3. Please read the cancellation policy, exclusion of liability and no-show policy before making a payment.