About The IICAIET2025
The IEEE Sabah subsection is organizing the 2025 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Engineering and Technology (IICAIET2024), co-organized by the Artificial Intelligence Research Unit and Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), which will be held at Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia from 26 to 28 August 2025.
NOTE: Online conference mode for overseas participants only.
Hybrid Mode
Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
9AM to 5PM
26-28 August 2025
Important Dates
15 May 2025
15 June 2025
5 August 2025
5 August 2025
Our History
Here is our IICAIET history
26- 28 August 2024
IEEE Xplore

Keynote Speaker: Ir. Dr. Nordin Ramli (MIMOS, Malaysia & IEEE Malaysia)
Title: AI-Driven R&D: Catalyzing Malaysia's Leadership in the Global Electrical & Electronics Industry

Keynote Speaker: Prof. Lyudmila Mihaylova (The University of Sheffield, United Kingdom)
Title: Machine Learning Methods for Trustworthy Autonomous Systems

Tehnical Speaker: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Hanafi Ahmad Hijazi (Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia)
Title: Feature Engineering: The Impact on Artificial Intelligence Model Performance
12- 14 September 2023
IEEE Xplore

Keynote Speaker: Prof. Dr. Jamal Ahmad Dargham (Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia)
Title: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Future of Mankind

Keynote Speaker: Dr Sainarayanan Gopalakrishnan (Technology Director, HCL Technologies Ltd., India)
Title: Bridging the Computer Vision Dimensions: Intertwine of Data, Computing and Performance
13- 15 September 2022
IEEE Xplore

Keynote Speaker: Prof. Dr. Mehdi Bennis (University of Oulu, Finland)
Title: Distributed and Communication-Efficient ML Over and For Wireless

Keynote Speaker: Prof. Dr. Sazali Yaacob (University Kuala Lumpur Malaysian Spanish Institute)
Title: AI from Inception to Applications and Future

Keynote Speaker: Assoc Prof. Ir. Dr. Rosdiazli Ibrahim (Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS)
Title: Artificial Intelligence Research Directions in Oil and Gas Industries

Tehnical Speaker: Dr. David Leal-Ayala (Policy Links (Institute for Manufacturing), University of Cambridge)
Title: Industry 4.0 and Its Adoption in the Asia and Pacific Region
13- 15 September 2021

Keynote 1: Assoc. Professor Dr. Kenneth Tze Kin Teo, Universiti Malaysia Sabah
Enhancing Multi-Hop Information Scavenging Transmission with Artificial Intelligence

Keynote 2: Professor Dr. Atsuo Ozaka, Osaka Institute of Technology
Decision making support based on Sensing and Simulation Technology for Realizing a Smart Society

Keynote 3: Professor Dr. Yoshimitsu Aoki, Keiko University
Toward Practical Application of Image AI Research

Keynote 4: Professor Dr. Hui Hwang Goh, Guangxi University
Predictive Modeling for Intelligent Integrated Energy System
26- 27 September 2020

Keynote 1: Emeritus Professor Lance Chun Che Fung, Murdoch University
Efficient use of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) as an Embedding Technique for Collaborative-based Personalization in Recommender Systems

Keynote 2: Professor Dr Hiroyuki Kobayashi,Osaka Institute of Technology
Conventional AI as a Swiss Army Knife for Non-native AI Researchers

Keynote 3: Associate Professor Dr Makoto Koshino, National Institute of Technology, Ishikawa College, Japan
Introducing Sensor-Based Human Activity Recognition Using Machine Learning

Keynote 4: Associate Professor Ts. Dr. Ismail Saad, Universiti Malaysia Sabah
Computational Modeling and Simulation for Nanoelectronics Device Miniaturization
8 November 2018
IEEE Xplore

Keynote 1: Prof. Kukjin Chun , Director of IEEE Region 10
Introduction to MEMS technology and IEEE

Keynote 2: Prof. Sigeru Omatu, Osaka Institute of Technology
CFeature Extraction from Spectral Images of Bills
Conference Venue
Conference venue location info and gallery
Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
Universiti Malaysia Sabah is a public university in Malaysia. It was officially established on 24 November 1994 as the ninth public university in the country. The university is located on a 999-acre site at Sepanggar Bay in Kota Kinabalu in the Malaysian state of Sabah.
Check our gallery from the previous IICAIET