Dr Sainarayanan Gopalakrishnan (Technology Director,HCL Technologies Ltd. India)
2023 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Engineering and Technology IICAIET 2023

Bridging the Computer Vision Dimensions: Intertwine of Data, Computing and Performance
Computer Vision has witnessed significant growth horizontally and vertically in the last decade. The growth is propelled by the deep learning models which were able to interpret the videos and images with even complex environmental backgrounds. Application of Computer vision leaped from controlled environment to real life. The real life adaptation demands higher reliability and performance which poses challenges in model accuracy, quality data and computing. Right intertwine of data, computing and performance can bridge the computer vision near to human vision. The talk proposes new research opportunities in generating quality data, future prospects in AI silicon accelerators and explainable accuracy. Progression in different industrial verticals like automotive, manufacturing, medical, consumer electronics and retail sector opened new opportunities as well as challenges. Hardware accelerators are incredible in handling the massive image data processing, The talk also uncovers opportunities in hardware accelerator architectures for cloud to handheld edge devices.
Dr Sainarayanan Gopalakrishnan obtained his B.E (Electronics & Instrumentation) from Annamalai University (1998) and M.E (Control Systems) from PSG College of Technology (2000), Ph.D in Image Processing from Universiti Malaysia Sabah (2003), Masters in Law (Intellectual Property Rights) in 2014 and also holds executive specialization on Advanced Strategy Management from Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode. He holds 57 US Patent Grants and has published 125 technical publications as Books, Book Chapters, International Journals and Conferences proceedings in the area of computer vision and machine learning. Currently works as Technology Director in Engineering and Research Services of HCL Technologies Ltd., Chennai, India. He is a senior member of IEEE & serves in academic boards of several reputed universities.